We build our strength by taking note of the foundation aspects of the Word of GodThe Word of God is the water a believer needs to live. It’s life; once we neglect the Word, we begin to dry up.The moment you begin to add (no matter how little) to the Word of God, you begin to detract from God’s grace in your life. And we live by God’s grace, so doing that is dangerous to your life.
Take the simplicity of the Word of God and live by it. Do not be too pre-occupied with the “big” things and revelations to the detriment of doing the simple things in the Word.
Psalm 11:3
If you can’t prove or back something up with the Word of God then it’s not valid.
The Believer’s Attitude towards the Word of God:
1. 1. Read the Word
2. 2. Listen to the Word
3. 3. Meditate on the Word (Joshua 1:8)
You MUST have a plan to read through the entire bible in each year of your life – the Word of God. (Deut 17:18-20)
Our purpose for reading the Word of God, is to learn what is in it with a view to DOING what we have learnt.
Discipline yourself to read the Word of God. Your flesh will oppose your plan to read, but you have to overcome the work of the flesh through self-discipline.
You CANNOT live a depressed life if you read and live by the Word of God daily. In everything you do, be guided by the Word that you have read, this is a sure way to combat depression.
You have to learn that meditating on the Word of God is a deliberate act. You do not stumble into meditation on the Word, it is something you make out time to do and you discipline yourself to do.
We must consciously as believers be alert to hear what God is saying to us. God is constantly speaking to us, it is our responsibility to hear Him when He speaks.
When you (deliberately) meditate on the Word of God, you are enabled to do the Word (Psalm 1:1-3) and empowered to prosper through it.
Psalm 119:15-16, Ephesians 5:1, Habakkuk 2:1, Hebrews 4:12, Proverbs 4:23, Romans 1:28
Watch out for the Word of God
The Word of God is powerful and it heals (Psalm 107:19, Mark 5:29, 1Peter 2:24, Luke 6:17-19, Isaiah 53:5)
Declaration: The pain you are experiencing doesn’t belong to you. Receive your healing by the Word of the living God NOW!!!
Declaration: Healing is your portion (Matt 15:22-29), receive it now!
Prayer: Cancer is rebuked from your body now! That abnormal growth in your body is cursed and it dies now!
Prayer: Let the LORD’s healing power flow through this place and touch every heart that needs it now
Prayer: We rebuke the spirit of infirmity now! Let there be a realignment of your body’s anatomy now!
Build your life daily on the Word of God (Matt. 7:24-27).
